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Welcome to Accounting Help Centre

The accounting help centre has been created to assist users using Sooya Software Accounting Packages with the day to day operation. Everything you need to know is added here, all you need is to pick a category from the left panel and click on the required item

Sooya Accounting software includes:

Thinking about moving online, why don't you try our AccountingLink?

Everything you need with advanced features and friendly user interface, easy to use and great pricing, manage your employees and their payments and lodge your STP obligations to the ATO. A paid subscription for business, a tax agent may manage a buisness paid subscription only.

What do I need to do to start reporting STP?

When you use Sooya Desktop Applications, you do not need to contact the ATO but you must use a machine credential on your computer, check how to Setup M2M Credential

What is STP Phase 2?

Check this article to understand the new STP phase 2 reporting requirements