E-Learning Video Collection

Click on the video next to the topic you would like to learn about

Business File
Learn how to create new business file for Business Manager, Payroll Plus and other desktop packages

Business File
Learn how to create new business file for AtoConnect 4.1

Managing Business Employees
Create new employee, manage employee's salary details, leave entitlements, allowances and deductions, payroll and superannuation

Managing Business Payroll
Create new pay run, fast track and advanced payroll tasks, generate employees' payslips, generate bank file

Single Touch Payroll
Lodge single touch payroll from an automated pay run, batch lodgement multiple pay runs in one go, reset lodged STP, create single touch payroll from an excel file and lodge, create a file replacement and lodge

Preparing & Lodging Payment Summary
Create new payment summary, lodge payment summary, create an amendment summary, create payment summary from an excel file

Importing a Bank Statement
import QIF and CSV bank statement, creating transactions rules, saving draft copy, using advanced search, assigning accounts and importing transactions

Preparing & Lodging Taxable Payment
Create new taxable payment, lodge taxable payment, create an amendment taxable payment, import suppliers from an excel file