E-Learning Video Collection

Click on the video next to the topic you would like to learn about

Sign Up & Account Setup
Create new account, setup bank accounts, pay types, email profiles, single touch payroll and account global settings

Manage Business Employees
Create new employee, set employees default payroll and salary details, update employee's details and manage leave transfer

Manage Business Payroll
Add draft pay run, manage draft pay run, confirm pay runs, generate bank file, email pay slips, and reset payrolls

Single Touch Payroll Lodgement
enable STP lodgement settings, lodge single STP report, batch lodgement, reset employee's lodged amounts, update lodged STP report, Replace STP report, and lodge STP report for previous financial year

Manage Business Invoices
Add customer and create new invoice, add quote and change quote to invoice, add itemised invoice, advanced invoice tasks, quick pay feature, and reset closed invoices

Manage Credits & Refunds
Add customers credits and refunds, apply credits to invoices

Roster / Timesheet Management
enable roster for employees, add employees' shifts, manage timesheet services, enable and add locations, and process a pay run

Pay Type Percentage
Setup pay type for percentage pay based on employee's base rate, configure employees default pay type and create new payroll using the pay type percentage feature.