E-Learning Video Collection
Click on the video next to the topic you would like to learn about
Sign Up & Account Setup
Create new account, setup business currency, setup live rates, business smtp and business bank accounts
Add Outgoing Transfer
Create new outgoing transfer, add new customer, beneficiary and transfer agent, and manage customer's payment
Currency Transfer Advanced Tasks
We will walk through the advanced tasks features including quick pay, bulk deletes and payments
Manage Customers
Manage your customers records, upload second license, update and manage beneficiaries and check customer's history
Exchange Transactions
Create currency exchange transaction with multiple currencies, add quick exchange transaction and view the advanced tasks
Managing Business Finance
Setup currency opening, manage business safe transfers, view business safe currency report, reconcile cash registers, and remove reconciled cash register
User Accounts
Add new group and assign access level, add new user account and transfer agent's account
Introducing Brokers (Paid Service)
add borkers, assign customers, add broker's commission to money transfer transactions, generate broker's report and flag paid transactions as paid
Austrac Lodgement
Prepate and lodge Austrac reports, manual lodgement, reconcile reports, how to use direct lodgement