Options - System Settings

System settings is designed to provide users with global options such as:

Here we are going to go though each feature available in the system settings window:

Depends on your current subscription, some options might not be available.

General Settings

Follow the next steps to manage the business global options:

Low Stock Alert / Product Expiry Alert

There are many ways to determine what is low in stock. This is typically based on how an item has historically sold.

Follow the next steps to enable the low stock alert:

  1. Access the Setup from the application menu
  2. Click Options
  3. The system setup window appears
    • Low Stock Alert select Yes to enable this option
    • Qty Threshold enter the quantity threshold for the measurement of low stock
    • Product Expiry Alert select Yes to enable this option
    • Days Threshold enter the days threshold for the measurement of product expiry
  4. Click

Once the above settings are enabled, every time you access the dashboard, you should see the following alert message when product fall below the assigned threshold.

To view the items caused the alert to popup, click on the alert link.

Invoice Settings

Follow the next steps to set the invoice global options:

Business Logo

Follow the next steps to enable and upload business logo: