Business Exchange

Business exchange is a currency exchange that is exchanged under a business name.

Useful Things!
Adding a Business Exchange

Follow the next steps to create a business exchange:

  1. Access the Exchange from the application menu
  2. Click Manage Exchange
  3. Click
  4. The new business exchange window appears
    • All bold fields are required and must be provided.

    • Customer
      • New Customer for new customers, click and enter all the available customer's information
      • Existing Customer search for the required customer, type a name, mobile or an ABN
      • Select the required customer from the search result
      • The update customer's window appears:
        • Customer's Name enter the business name
        • ABN enter a valid ABN
        • Contact Details enter customer's contact details such as phone numbers and email address
        • Address Details enter customer's address details
        • For Australian customers, type the first few letters of the suburb name and select from the search result.

      • Click
    • Employees
      • Employee select an employee, or click to add new employee
      • Type select the employee type
      • For direct employees, directors, shareholders or business owners, select Employee.

      • Employee Name enter the employee's first and last names
      • Contact Details enter employee's contact details if applicable
      • Address Details enter employee's address details
      • For Australian customers, type the first few letters of the suburb name and select from the search result.

      • Idnetification enter employee's id details
      • Upload ID click Choose file or Browse to upload employee's ID
    • Transaction
      • Date select the exchange date
      • Payment select the type of payment
      • You must select the correct payment method, when generating an Austrac reports, payment method will be essential to determine the type of reports should this transaction be included.

      • Inverse check this option if the rate is in an inverse mode
      • Inverse means divide 1 by the current exchange rate.

      • Currency
        • Click to add new empty row
        • Currency select a currency from the drop down list
        • Rate if you did not set the live exchange rate, enter the exchange rate
        • Sell for selling, enter the foreign currency amount that you are selling to customer
        • Buy for buying, enter the foreign currency amount that you are selling to customer
        • The rate will be automatically added when you enter Sell or Buy amounts if you have configured the live rate exchange rates.

        • Fixed a fixed amount can be used to remove any change (fix to tens or handreds), click to apply the fixed amount
        • Repeat the above steps if you want to add another currency

      • Fees enter the fee amount in your local currency, when applicable
  5. Click