Currency Board

An extra feature has been created to allow business to display their exchange rate to their customers (walk-in customers). It can also be used to add up to three advertisment "auto rotated" to attract new customers such as when you have special deal.

Currency board shows your current rate configuration, refereshed every 5 minutes. You must setup your currency exchange rate before using the currency board feature

You can run the currency board on TVs or large monitors or screens, you must have an active internet connection to display the currency board

Managing Currency Board

Follow the next steps to enable the currency board:

Displaying the Currency Board

You can access the currency board link from the dashboard page, click Live Rates and you should see how the currency board looks. You should copy the link or bookmark it on your preferred browser when using a TV or a computer screen.

You do not need to login to view the currency board, all you need is to access the correct link.