Customers' Identifications
An active identification is required for certain transactions to be collected from the customer by the business as per government regulations.
Most of the required identifications are included by default, but you can still add more types if they are not included.
Adding an Identification
Follow the next steps to add an identification:
- Click the Setup menu
- Click Identifications List menu
- Click
- The new identification window appears
- Identification enter a unique identification name to represent this type of identifications
- Active select the identification status type
- Click
Updating an Identification
Click the Edit button under the Action column next to the identification that you would like to update
System type identification can not be updated or deleted.
Deleting an Identification
Click the Delete button under the Action column next to the identification that you would like to remove
Identification linked to transactions can not be deleted and protected by the system for data integrity purpose.