Adding a Customer

Customers can be added when creating money transfer or currency exchange transactions, it can also be added from within the customers window.

Follow the next steps to create a customer:

  1. Access Customers from the application menu
  2. Click Manage Customers
  3. Click
  4. The new customer window appears
    • All bold fields are required and must be provided.

    • Type select the customer type
    • For non-individual customer, you should provide a valid ABN and you must associate an employee when creating transfer or exchange transaction.

    • Account Number auto filled by the system, the account number can be used when a customer joins through a mobile app.
    • Date Of Birth enter the customer's date of birth, applies to indvidual customers only
    • Customer Name for individuals, enter customer's first, given (optional), and last name. For non-individuals, enter the business name and ABN
    • Contact Details enter customer's contact details such as phone numbers and email address
    • Address Details enter customer's address details
    • For Australian customers, type the first few letters of the suburb name and select from the search result.

    • Idnetification enter customer's identification details, applies to individual customers only
    • The ID field is automatically filled, if you don't see the required ID, use the system setup to add the required ID.

  5. Click